Forbidden Memories Description
Behind a fantastic project we always find an incomparable team and our case is certainly not an exception. We are pleased to present to you the fruit of our efforts, of days spent working but also laughing and joking.
We are sure that what we have to offer will immediately amaze and seduce you, so without losing any more time, let's start our story right away, commencing with ...
... Our Heroes

Benoît Le Goff
Project Manager, pattern designer and senior developer
Benoît is the friendly dictator of our small group, the dungeon master of our adventure. Through the code of a programme he is able to bring any scenario to life and make any character move, like the best of wizards in the best of adventures.

Léticia Tscherrig
Web developer and junior JS developer
Every story that is respectable has its princess, Léticia is ours. Able to adapt to any task, not afraid in front of any kind of work, if Benoît is our wizard she is undoubtedly our fearless warrior.

Francesco De Fino
Art director, web developer and junior JS developer
Every group needs equilibrium to function well, Francesco is the needle in our balance. Capable of devising the most imaginative stratagems but also the most concrete plans, he is the one who heals and restores the members of the group, without doubt the cleric of the company.

Valentin Mayencourt
Concept artist and junior JS developer
Nothing adventure is worth experiencing without fun and sympathy, Valentin it is that light touch of unpredictability that makes a story interesting. Able to pass undetected and to strike suddenly is surely the thief in our party.
Now that we know our heroes, we should say that the next thing to do is to get to know them....
... Our History
How long have we been playing together now? Almost two years, some of us even three. Together we have already had several adventures, but this time our dungeon master overcame himself, a big client, apparently a university, commissioned a game from us.
We immediately jumped in headfirst into this project, the first idea was to create a fantastic fantasy adventure where the protagonist, following a tragic event, was forced to redeem himself through endless levels full of monsters and final bosses ...
"Wait wait, one moment, this would be a great idea?" Léticia said suddenly, raising her head from the monitor where she and Francesco were programming the website that would host the game.
"You are in fact not wrong, we have been playing these kinds of games for 30 years." replied Francesco, also interrupting his work.
"Maybe you've been playing it for 30 years! I'm not even 30! ... Benoît Benoît" Called strong our princess.
The wizard of computers emerged from his office with his eyes turned into infinity and also Valentin hearing the calls came running in still wearing his headphones. So the group assembled and began to discuss, analyse, draw, make graphs and eat chips.
The situation seemed to have no way out so to distract himself, Francesco began to tell an old story ...
... Our Game
It happened that, during the siege of Paris by the Saracen king Agramant, King Charlemagne's two strongest paladins, Orlando and Rinaldo, instead of fighting the Moors, got lost behind the beautiful Angelica.
The fortunes of war are fluctuating but in the end, thanks to Orlando's crucial contribution, King Charles' paladins were able to get the better of the Saracens. Returning to home, Orlando crosses a wood and finds inscriptions on a tree celebrating the love between his beloved Angelica and the Saracen Medoro.
Our hero, his mind clouded by jealousy, immediately goes mad. Devastating everything it encounters, it crosses France and Spain as far as the Strait of Gibraltar.
Meanwhile the warrior Astolfo, after having tamed a hippogriff, flies to the moon, where he finds Orlando's lost wits in an ampulla. After crossing Africa and performing admirable feats, Astolfo makes Orlando smell the ampulla, who comes to his senses and returns to combat...
"Genius! Absolutely ingenious!" Benoît's voice interrupts the narration "here is the idea we are looking for, you are a genius."
"But I did not invent this story" Francesco replied "it was written centuries ago by a certain Ludovico Ariosto".
"And it doesn't seem any more original than the game we are preparing" added Valentin.
"As it is, not, but if we readapt it into a cyberpunk version it becomes a bomb" Benoît was now daydreaming "the main character will be called Philbert".
"And does Philbert sound like a cyberpunk name to you???" Indeed, Léticia's doubt was also shared by the other two.
The discussion between our 4 heroes lasted a long time but that is another story, today our four friends are working hard to bring their greatest project to life, and patience if Ludovico Ariosto is turning in his tomb
and if in fact more like the commodore 64 version of 'Neo tokyo' than the cyberpunk version of 'Orlando furioso'.
Let's not tell them and let them work in peace, who knows that they might not eventually really amaze us and make us daydream too as we immerse ourselves in their story ...