Forbidden Memories Flow
General Game Flow

The game states are very simple and consist of the following elements: starting the game and departing from the menu.
It is possible to consult the credits for the creators of the game or start a game. When a game is in progress, it is possible to pause and resume it, otherwise a return to the menu is possible.
If unfortunately, you die during your game, it is possible to restart at the beginning of the current level or return to the main game menu.
Narrative Game Flow
Our game has a strong narrative component. In this sense, several scenes will be present between levels.
Between dialogues, the player will evolve in three levels: Neo Tokyo, Spacecraft Building, and the... moon.
Our goal behind these levels and scenes is to provide an adventure for our players.

Character State Flow

Our main character has 7 game states that will evolve depending on the current game/level context and the keyboard inputs used by the player.
It's possible to have multiple combinations of states such as "Running and shooting", "Running and reloading", "Jumping and reloading", etc.
Game Engine Architecture
Here you can find an overview of the software architecture of the game engine.
Our goal behind this architecture is to spend part of the project developing tools that will then become part of a development framework. With this framework at hand, it will then be possible to develop the game quickly and to scale the levels/functions quickly.

Game Development Process

One of the first tasks we did when we started the project was to configure the repository on GitLab and then assign/invite the users.
Then we have to make sure that each developer is clear with the development processes and that his development environment is functional.
We have to make sure very quickly that each developer is comfortable, clear and does not encounter any problem with his development processes.